Lifebane: The Empower’s Malicious Bane

Mysterious and desired, coveted and relished by many Wizards across the Spiral. But why? Is this card actually worth well over 20,000 empowers today?

The elusive Lifebane card is known across the Spiral as one of the most important Treasure Cards for a collector to have. But what exactly is a lifebane? What does it do? Let’s start with the basic information that a Lifebane provides and what we know today.

  • The School of Death
  • Dispel Classification (Utility)
  • 100% Accuracy
  • 2 Pips

A neat thing to note about Lifebane currently is that the spell is bugged. If cast there will be no animation or display of the spell having worked on the opponent. There will be the sound of the spell working and something setting up on the foe but there will be no visual. The card works as a normal dispel would by casting a dispel shield in pvp on the individual it is cast on.

The Origin

Youkai in the Tree of Life dropped Lifebane. Being listed as a retired card means it is not achievable through combat any longer. You may only obtain Lifebane from trading now. Only through the trading window is how the treasure card can be received.

Lifebane being chosen for retirement was an unclear message. Being unfair and overpowered in PVP caused KingsIsle to receive much negativity. Complaining arose, and it did not take long for change to be implemented. The final decision was for Lifebane to become a retired treasure card. This shot the value of the card up as collectors began to take notice of the change.


There was a time period in which a small group of individuals discovered a glitch regarding castle magic. There is no factual proof to the number of duplicated lifebanes that occurred from this. Those involved confirmed the action of duplicating the famous dispel treasure card. The price of Lifebane did drop at that time. Change did not implement for long as it was sought out by collectors.

Lifebane: Today

An expensive, crucial addition to any completed or in progress collection. As time progresses their weight in value continues to increase. Wizards can achieve this coveted treasure card by keeping a steady eye on the bazaar and auction channels in GTP. Unfortunately, Lifebanes rarely make an appearance. If they do be sure to grab one quick!

  • Nicole, 140 Storm – GTP’s Moderator “Ally”
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Thank you – love the article!


Some guy in KILive said Youkai is dropping again, probs a troll lol.

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