Pet Trainer Bundle

Woof Woof! The new Pet Trainer Bundle has just marked its territory into the Spiral. Now available only at Gamestop, the Pet Trainer Bundle costs $29 USD and provides you an additional 5,000 crowns or 1 Month membership. If you’ve ever wanted to get guaranteed Energy Gear without opening various packs then you might want to invest in this.

Included in the Bundle

Complete Pet Trainer's Bundle Set

Pet Trainer's Set

Pet Trainer Conical

Pet Trainer Attire

Pet Trainer Shoes


 The most notable reason many Wizards should pick up a Pet Trainer’s Bundle is because of the amount of energy that this bundle provides. As the name suggests, this bundle is made to help those who avidly train pets and need a substantial amount of energy. The entire gives a whopping +82 extra energy, which can be compared to the Alpine Hunter set from the Yule Logger packs. Though the only downfall is that the Pawzooka doesn’t provide energy unlike other Energy set weapons. You can stitch another energy weapon like the Reverend weapons to still complete the set.

Pup Prodigy

Provides one Accuracy spell

The Pet Trainer Bundle introduces a new pet into the game, the Pup Prodigy. If you look closely, this pet has some resemblance to Doug from Up or any regular Golden Retriever. The Pup Prodigy comes with one trained Accurate spell that provides +15% accuracy to any spell. Even though the pet looks similar to the Dapper Corgi it doesn’t provide an extra energy which seems like a downfall. Though if you’d like a nice companion to quest with, then the Pet Prodigy will be a nice addition to your team.

Fur Wheeler Mount

The Fur Wheeler Mount is one of the most adorable mounts seen in the game. The body of the mount may take some time to get used to, but skating around the Commons is so fun. The mount itself has some noticeable features such as making a board flip when turning or spinning afk. The Fur Wheeler Mount provides a +40% Movement Speed boost and uses hamster power to operate the board

Pet Burrower & Teleporter

 Have you ever wanted to have more interactions to use while in “Play as Pet” mode? Well the Pet Trainer Bundle brings a new feature that can be integrated into your Housing. Introducing the new Pet Burrow and Pet Teleporters: the new innovation to Teleporters. These teleporters act as regular teleporters but can only be accessed by playing as your pets. This is such an interesting feature and we can’t wait to see how it’ll be integrated for mazes or hidden doorways in Castles.

That’s all for the Pet Trainer Bundle! In my opinion, for the price point it is an affordable option for Energy Gear. Depending on your luck with packs, this is an instantaneous option that doesn’t break the bank.

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