While playing Wizard101, you’ve probably seen all, if not most, of the worlds, especially if you’re a max wizard. There are worlds that people hate, and worlds that people very much enjoy. The worlds all have their own unique touch to them like the story line, setting, theme, enemies. As a wizard for eight years myself, I’ve run through the world many times! If I had to choose a world I enjoyed the most, it would have to be Azteca. I know many people dislike this world because of the length, but I believe it’s a really beautiful world, including the creative storyline and setting.

Azteca is a really beautiful world in my opinion. The architecture has a very nice look to it; the jungle vibe and exotic plants are a really nice touch to the world and gives it a foreign look compared to Wizard City. All the rocks falling from the sky and the meteor in the sky are such small details, though they give it such a great look in the Zocalo; all the small textures in the buildings and statues are very alluring. The moving NPCs walking around also give the place a lively feel to it, and the other areas all have a really great nature vibe to it. My favorite area has to be Cloudburst Forest. Azteca may be a long world, but it’s also a very beautiful world to take in and look at all the detailing and scenery.

My favorite NPC in Azteca is probably Pacal Redmask; he has a very fun voice I think! He is an essential character in the questline. Pacal is a red bird and he surely dresses well!
Moving onto quests in Azteca, one of my favorite ones is the Belloq quests, which you encounter twice. He shows up four times within the game, two of which are in Azteca. Belloq may seem like an annoying boss, but I think it is a great addition, because a lot of bosses you defeat and never see again. Belloq is a boss who keeps coming back, which I think is really nice. he also is an elephant in a hat and tuxedo. What’s not to like there?

Two really important side quests appear in Azteca. These are the quests for the sun, moon, and star trainers. The trainers are a key component of the game because you are able to get enchantments such as sharpened blade and potent trap. The spells really come in handy when you start Khrysalis, since there are many solo bosses! To get access to the trainers you’ll have to defeat some bosses which were pretty tough, but completely worth it in the end because you’ll get your spells.
If you do not have a membership, the cost of Azteca is pretty pricey. To buy the world, it will cost you 11,970 crowns, which is a lot more money than a membership. However, it’s a good way to buy worlds so you don’t have to keep paying. The first three areas in Azteca cost 1,995 crowns; after that you will pay 1,995 crowns for each two areas moving forwards. There are a total of 13 areas within Azteca!