Oh’ Bless This Stormy Heart..
Ally | Posted on |

I’ve been a vibrant part of the Wizard101 community since 2009. At some point the advertisements on my television would cause thoughts in my own head: Wow that game looks insanely dumb, who are they trying to target? But by some crazy chance I chose to hop onto my computer and create myself a resident of the Spiral.
As everyone begins their adventure – it starts with a test. A simple multi-choice question test that helps determine what school your personality mirrors. Through the daunting questioning and what felt like a vivid look into my soul later, I finally had my starting school.
Ice – A Short Experience

Oh my lovely young self how you had no idea what you were getting into. At the achieved, ripe level of 12 I gave up on the journey to wielding Ice’s deck. My emblem as the metaphorical tank of the game dimmed and faded out before it truly even got a chance to show me what it could do. But the school Ice is not for everyone; that much is apparent going into the spells very early in. Patience is something you must have alongside of the willingness to work with your fellow Wizards to achieve goals. Thus I chose to delete the character before she even got a chance to quest on – and went back to the so called “Drawing Board” of the Spiral; the multi-choice test at the create a character screen.

That test must of been truly making fun of me because the second go around it gave me something a bit better on the aspect of what I was looking for but still not fitting.
Death – Not Quite.

As you can imagine the Death school is one of thrill and multi-purpose. It doesn’t matter how much health your enemy has knocked down on your own side. Death Wizards can heal up in one hit and if their foe isn’t dead by then they may as well feel as if they are. Because of the personal feeling I had of being stuck between wanting to have the ability to support someone else but still be able to destroy my enemies, my time spent as Death was short. I made it to about level 93 before I threw in the bucket to pursue something else at the time. Having no idea what it was I wanted to be and what I was expecting to see regarding the certain play style that eventually would be selected was concerning and a bit of a discouragement.
"Because it's the Master Race - That's why. What else do you need?" - 2012 Wizards
Storm – My Heart Personified.

So she was born. After spending some time as Nicole DarkPetal and asking around on who liked what I came to a very simple conclusion that seemed to be the rolling reason to play Wizard101. It was the aspect of the whole Master Race thing – and at the time? Storm was at the top as the King school. If you asked 10 people what school they believed was to be best they’d answer Storm. Their reason would be simple. “Just because!” Now I knew this was not a very reasonable conclusion as to my decision to pick the school of Storm. My own reasoning for choosing Storm was the sheer challenge it posed for those who played the game in the solo fashion.

It’s no joke that storm from level 1-60 is one of the most complicated schools to play solo. They fizzle constantly, lack in damage for their health ratio and have zero sustainability. It’s almost impossible to complete each world as a solo storm without the use of very precise planning. The reasoning behind remaining as a Storm main was the real feel of accomplishment. Fizzling stopped and I began to demolish enemies instead of struggling. Soloing became something I was able to do. Say hello to an accomplished, maxed Storm Wizard who is now thriving.
Where am I today?

So I continue my journey as an established Storm Wizard. I have maxed a Fire, Life, and Death and still above all adore my storm more than I could fathom. I gained a sort of value, compassion and understanding for those around me that want to play the heavy hitter. Learning how to take a step back and play as a support despite wielding a Storm deck was crucial. Through all of this; I know I’ll continue to play Storm even through the ongoing changes that are happening with the meta in both pvp and pve. For some it’s about power and the spotlight but for me, personally?
It’s about what the heart wants.
Nicole – 140 Storm Wizard
wow this was so moving and heart worming 😀
So insightful and inspiring. My life is forever changed
guys i loved this piece idk what y’all mean. i cried my heart out